Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Morning Plein Air

                                                                                                     Acrylic 6x6"

I had to get up early and go to work this morning, so I decided to try to capture a sunrise.  I need to do lots more plein air.  There really is nothing like painting from life.  I've been painting a complicated (for me) painting from a photograph lately that has taken multiple painting sessions and still isn't finished.

Here I am to complain about the photograph again.  The darker part in the trees isn't this contrasty in the painting.  I don't know why my photos often do this.   It's my newer camera, this time, too...so not just the same camera doing the same thing over and over.  Oh, well--pretend those jarring dark areas in the left tree, especially, are not really that dark!

This is Jupiter Road, Christmas morning 2012, not exactly right at sunrise, obviously, but pretty much as soon as the fog cleared enough to let the sun through.  You may remember this painting site from this post.

Enjoy your holidays, everyone!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Rest in Peace, Spider - 6/18/95 - 12/13/12

I know this is an art blog, so maybe this is unprofessional of me.  But I also haven't posted a painting in awhile, and this is part of the reason why....so there's the art connection (if you needed one).

In my studio, I have a partially finished painting based on this photo.  I wonder if I'll ever be able to finish it now.  I wonder if I'll even be able to look at it now....
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