"Sunset Over the Next Ridge" Oil Pastel, 6x8"
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Here at "Paint Like Nobody's Watching," I have been showing paintings I did awhile ago but never blogged about. In a comment about the painting on my last post, my friend Carol asked, "How many others are you hiding away?" I just loved that comment! Because I am having fun showing work I've been keeping to myself.
I plan to paint again this coming weekend. Last weekend, my art time was spent at an assemblage workshop with Leo Monahan. I have mentioned Leo before. He is quite the phenomenal artist. His main medium on his website is cut and folded paper, but he also works in collage and assemblage. Assemblage is "art in boxes," made with found and saved objects.
Leo's students are taking a series of workshops on design thinking, and later on color, eventually making us worthy of learning the techniques of cutting and folding paper. I have to tell you, I am realizing that far more important to me than the subject of the particular workshop with him is the opportunity to observe how Leo thinks as an extremely creative person. What a privilege to spend time with this amazing artist! You want to see someone get a group excited about an old, run over, rusty car part, spend some time with Leo! Not kidding! :)
Check him out www.leothecolorman.com
Oh, almost forgot, about my own painting above! This is a scene from my own neighborhood! The true, blue ridge...
Thanks for being here...

Love this the blues and pinks sing... thanks for the plug!!!
Every day is like Christmas as you drag things out of the closet. Agree with Carol, love the color scheme and of course that it is the real blue ridge country. Nice job
Thanks, Carol! And you are welcome :)
Beautiful painting... Love the colors and mood Meredith... Thanks for checking in on my blog a few days ago.. I am really liking the new direction of your work :)
Yes post more. Love your pastels.
Sounds like so much fun and soul filling. Love that sunset behind the trees and the brush and grasses are all my fav colors. Love it!
Thank you, Nelvia, and I know you know what I mean about Blue Ridge.
Thank you, Bhavani, it has been fun to catch back up with what you are doing :)
Thanks, Susan!! I really appreciate your comment...
Oh, thanks, Sharon! And yes, much fun with Leo, come join us :)
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