Now, my dear friends and Watchers, it is time for a profound confession. All the paintings I have submitted to the 30 in 30 Challenge this time, all the florals, the sunsets (you've seen one, there have been more), the colored pencil landscapes, much as I have enjoyed creating them--in actuality, all of them, I mean ALL of them, have actually constituted one thing to me--AVOIDANCE.
Avoidance, because what I really want to paint right now is people, in motion, in their acts of living, although in a somewhat glorified manner. And with the above painting, I move closer to where I want to be. It's not where I want to ultimately be, but it's closer. I'm now on the path...
I know the painting has flaws. I see them and will possibly try to fix them. But in the fixing, something else may become ruined/lost, particularly the spontaneity. So, I will show this to you now, knowing that you are wonderfully supportive Watchers, after all. And knowing in my heart of hearts that I must learn to paint as I envision, whether it ever pleases another soul on earth or not!
There is actually one other subject I am yearning to paint, and when I do, I will show you. And I believe I will always want to paint landscapes and still lifes, as well. I love doing them, and doing them is part of the whole learning thread.
Thank you so kindly for being here, dear Watchers. It means the world to me. I was very shy to start this blog, very hesitant to show anyone but a couple of trusted friends what I was painting. At some point, though, an artist needs to be seen. This is where you come in, and to some extent, I could not do this without you, Watchers, so I extend my heartfelt thanks to you!
FYI, there are several paintings I haven't shown from this month....I still may show them, but have needed to focus on other things. I am planning a big trip at the end of this month and spent most of yesterday working on the logistics. I didn't get to start the above painting till last night around 9 pm. I was up till 1 a.m. this morning working on her. So, I'm pushing myself to do the painting work and right now, the blogging and all that goes with it (visiting YOUR blogs and expressing my appreciation for YOUR wonderful work) has taken a back seat for a couple days. Thanks for your understanding. Hope to be back in the "reciprocation saddle" soon.
Proofreading this, I notice I have referenced my heart several times. Perhaps moving closer to my desired work is also a heart-opening experience...
For those of you who read my intro to my challenge on the first day, you
can skip the rest of this post and not miss anything. I kind of
consider what is written below to be my "full disclosure" and may post
it every day
throughout this challenge:
Notice I did not say 30 Paintings in 30 Days in my Subject Line? Most of my
artist blogger friends are doing a 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge.
I'm along for the ride, but my intention is to have 30 painting days
in 30 days, not to complete 30 paintings in 30 days. I would LOVE to
do 30 paintings in 30 days, but I quickly figured out last time that
with my schedule, I would be placing myself under far too much stress to
make myself do an actual 30 paintings. After all, I don't want to come
out of the challenge hating the act of painting!
Leslie Saeta is once again the initiator of the challenge, and you can follow the challenge on her blog. Over 200 artists are participating. So many great things happened to me the last time I joined the challenge (read about it here), that I just couldn't resist saying "YES!" again."

I think the yellow against the gorgeous background is flawless.
This is wonderful, fresh, energetic. I went looking for your post, I was looking for more colored pencils so I might have missed this if I hadn't gone directly to your blog. I agree, I think I was so concerned with producing one a day that I didn't try anything risky. Next week I am going to play with my pastels.
Hey, thanks, Stef, what a wonderful compliment!
And thank you, too,'s been really fun to see your work throughout the challenge and to meet you. I am looking forward to seeing your pastel work!
Meredith, I really like the movement you suggested in her dress with a few simple strokes. Great job!
So happy to see you painting a figure in motion! As much as I love your other work, these are my favorites! This one does not disappoint. Love her pointed toe and swinging arms!
Meredith this is so wonderful. I am so inspired by your little girl. She is so cute and I can almost see her hopping around in the yard. I have several pics of my grandkids I hope to try sometime, but I've never painted figures before so I'm a little nervous. She's a cutie!!
Posted before but don't know if it got through... love the movement.... you caught the moment... don't be so picky nicky!!!!
Love this painting and especially the dear little yellow dress.
You've nicely captured the body language of a child twirling with total abandonment. Wonderful!
See...I'm not the only one who appreciates how you depict movement. I also love your use of color.
Mom! You're back in the saddle! Great to see you here able to post. And thanks for your compliments, much appreciated, as always.
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