Sunday, September 14, 2014

30 in Sept 2014 - Ode to Fall, which Needs no Ode from Me!

Acrylic by palette knife, 6x8"

Being an artist can be quite humbling.  I have detected a pattern in my creative life.  It seems as soon as I paint something I really like (such as the one in the last post), I expect I'm going to be able to repeat the process and come up with something I like equally well.  But what happens instead is I find it almost impossible to make the next few paintings work, even if I'm using similar methods.  

The past week has been me slugging it out with a couple of paintings that did not seem to want to be birthed!  The above is one of them.  I wasn't even sure if I would show it here, but after letting it go for a few days, took another look and decided you may see it.  The other one, I thought was a lost cause, but peeked at it today and may give it one more go (sigh....).

The intensity of painting this week, along with the extra blog hopping last week (translate, laptop time) has resulted in a somewhat blown out neck for me right now.  I have missed seeing my friends' work this week, and hope to catch up--maybe after I visit a chiropractor!  But I still love you guys...

And thank you all for Watching!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

30 in September 2014 - Fun with Acrylic Palette Knife Painting

Acrylic with Palette Knife, 8x10"

I am experimenting with new mediums to make acrylic palette knife painting feel more like oil palette knife painting.  I think I am onto something.  The medium I used today made the process much more natural than it felt with mediums I had been using.  Possible breakthrough here!

You may ask, why not just use oil paints with the palette knife, then.  The answer is I would be happy to use oil paints, except I am terribly afraid of  


That's my truth.  To all you oil painters out there, I don't expect your stuff to combust.  I just would worry too much about my own stuff. 

Hope everyone continues to have a happy, productive weekend, and thanks for Watching...

Friday, September 5, 2014

30 in Sept 2014 - How to do the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge when you also have a full-time job

Acrylic, 6x6"

I hope everyone is still enjoying the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge.  Have you reached the stage of questioning?  I always get to this stage where I start questioning...what is the meaning in painting this painting?  WHY are we painting 30 paintings in 30 days?  

This is one I have wanted to paint since I took the photo in the winter.  I must say, this time the scanner gave me more credit in terms of the light on the subject than my painting actually merits.  And I don't know how to fix that problem anymore than I know how to fix when my scanner makes the painting look worse.  Hopefully the class I am about to take in Photoshop Elements will help me overcome.

Someone asked me in a comment how I am managing to do this challenge with a full-time job.  Here's my tips, some practical, some about attitude:

1) Above all, focus on having fun.  I never would have joined the first 30 in 30 (I've done all 4) if Leslie had not said, "the only rule is to have fun."  I can live with a rule like that.

2)  From the very start, let go of any expectation that you will complete 30 paintings.  Don't expect that of yourself, don't intend for it, and don't try for it.  In other words, do not set yourself up to feel bad about yourself in any way.  And do not set yourself up to spend a month creating paintings you're going to feel crappy about.  Let go, paint as much as you can, post when you can.

3)  In the end, be proud that you painted more paintings than you would have had you not taken on this challenge.  And remember the other benefits:  you will learn, you will see lots of great art, you may develop new artist friends, and you may discover new favorite artists (I already have!).

4)  My new method is to hit the studio and do a few starts.  Loose ones, with no intention of taking them to completion.  Then over the next few days, I can choose one to work on.  Or work some on more than one.  Again, no pressure to complete anything!  Don't ruin your love for painting or your particular painting over anything external to truly is not necessary to post to your blog or Leslie's blog everyday, especially if the pressure is making you unhappy.  Be happy and enjoy yourselves, artist friends!

5)  Frankly, I am losing sleep over this challenge, but that is when I am becoming engrossed in a painting and energized to stay up to complete it.  I am NOT losing any sleep over completing a painting in order to make a quota.  

If I think of any other tips, I will let you know in future posts.

Thanks for Watching!  Take good care of yourselves, everyone.  I think that's the main thing I am trying to say....

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

30 in September 2015 - Returning

Acrylic 8x10"

I could have painted a whole 'nother painting in the amount of time I have spent fiddling with this image in Picasa and Photoshop Elements, trying to get it to look more like the image I painted.  I don't know why the yellow stands out so much.  

You will be happy to know I am taking a half-day workshop with a renowned local photographer this month on how to use Photoshop elements.  Hopefully, I will have a clearer idea of how to make my images look more like my paintings.   Meanwhile, why that yellow is so strong and contrasty, I'll never know.

This one is painted on canvas board, unusual for me, because I don't usually work on canvas.   30 in 30 is a time for experimentation.
But thanks for  being here to Watch, and for those of you who are in this painting challenge with me--Happy Painting!

30 in September 2014 - "Emerging"

Acrylic, 6x8"

Apparently, I am willing to forego sleep in order to finish a painting.  Will put this one up for sale later--I need to run to work.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

30 in September 2014 - Plein Air from Yesterday

Acrylic Plein Air, 8x10"

Back to using brushes for this one.  I am consistently fickle, aren't I?

Tip for the 30 in 30ers:  I have spent some time the past couple days doing some loose starts, so that I have something I can work on finishing during the rest of my work week.  Here I am giving a tip before seeing if the tip is going to work for me!

My reasoning, though, is that it is going to help me to have something to pick up and complete, as opposed to having to having to do a painting from start to finish every day.  And because I'm doing lots of starts, I'm doing them loosely, not making them too precious, just enjoying getting something down. 

We'll see how it goes!

Maybe the idea will help someone else.

The above painting, however, was done from start to finish in one standing.  It was GREAT to be outside in the early morning.  So I am grateful for the chance to paint this one.  The scan is terrible, so I am not putting this one up for sale until I can get an image that represents. 

Enjoy the challenge, everyone!

Monday, September 1, 2014

30 in September 2014 - Let the Games Begin!

Acrylic with Palette Knife, 6x6"

Welcome to 30 Paintings in 30 Days, September 2014.  I am excited to join in and see what we all create.  Thanks so much to Leslie Saeta for getting us motivated once again.  What a fabulous hostess she is!

For those of you who don't know me, I always say I am "along for the ride."  I have participated in all of the 30 Paintings in 30 days that Leslie has hosted to date, but my schedule doesn't allow for literally painting 30.  So I do what I can and have lots of fun.  Looking forward to meeting some fellow travelers this month.

Watchers, thanks for being here, as always....

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