"Skylight" Acrylic, 8x8"
$ 125 plus shipping
Some people feel starting a painting is the challenging part. Not me! I think I've said this here before. I love doing starts. I enjoy facing the white of the canvas. It's finishing that I find challenging. So many ways you could go, so many colors and options. All up to me!
I can tell you what doesn't help. It doesn't help in any way whatsoever to be standing there telling yourself, "now, Jeremy Sams would know how to finish this painting!" Nope, that doesn't help a bit...
What really truly helps is going for it--being willing to take the risk to ruin what you've got!
On the other hand, there are some paintings that don't deserve to ever be finished. Some of you probably know what I mean...
(thank you Roy Davenport, for the photo that inspired this painting!)

Meredith, I love the light and atmosphere that you create in your paintings. They are beautiful. The sky and water in this one is lovely!
Thanks, Julie! I am enjoying the work you are doing this month, too, and I hope everyone goes and looks at your latest abstracted watercolor landscape.
Meredith, I think you've captured every artist's struggle...finishing the painting. And you're right, we shouldn't ask what Jeremy Sams would do, but you should ask, "How would Meredith finish this?" It's your voice that needs to be heard in the painting. This struggle forces us back to the basics and makes us think objectively...is my composition pleasing? are my values correct? are my proportions correct? and, does the painting answer the "why" of why I painted this scene? These are all foundational questions that always help me wrap it up.
Jeremy, thanks for visiting and for sharing your wisdom, as always! I admire your work so much, it's wonderful for a glimpse into how you think about your work!
First beautiful painting. Love the color palette. Will view later on computer. I also don't have problrems with starts....its over working and loosing the freshness.More in email
Thanks, Carol, for the compliment and looking forward to reading the email!
Such a super painting and a wonderful blog post. I'm having a hard time getting going again now that I have closed the gallery. I'm going to concentrate on this post to get me going again. Thanks a bunch.
So glad my post was helpful to you, Sharon! I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with, as always...
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