I didn't think I would take the time to do a collage at the end of this 30 in 30, but I guess it's somewhat of a ritual I didn't want to avoid. So there you have it, 12 paintings that probably never would have been painted if not for this 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge!
I hope at the outset of this Challenge, I announced that my intention was to work on mindset, because that was what I held dear during this 30 in 30. I did not let the Challenge, or my paintings, stress me out very much. During past 30 in 30's, especially the first few I did, I truly put pressure on myself and ended up feeling badly when I couldn't post a painting to Leslie's blog on time.
This time, when I was too exhausted after work to paint, I didn't try to paint. When family time was more important, I spent family time. When my beloved art group had a meeting after work this month, I went to the meeting and enjoyed my friends there instead of painting. I often forgot altogether about posting to Leslie's blog. I think the forgetting was a really good sign!
So, I didn't force myself to paint when it would not have been sensible to paint. I didn't exhaust myself. Instead, what I did do was create habits that are sustainable for the long run. I currently have four paintings in various stages of completion. I now know about myself that these four will be finished in their own time, it's not good for me to hurry them, and rotating through four will help keep me from getting into battle with any single one of them.
When I feel too much tension while working on a painting, I now MOVE ON to another one! And know that I will cycle back around to each of them.
As always, I thank you for your kind feedback and support. You all have been great! For those of you in the Challenge, doing this together has made this Challenge all the more worthwhile.
See you SOON (instead of disappearing like I often have after burning out during these things!).
Thanks for Watching... Carry on! (oops, just noticed I put one of my paint ahead paintings on the collage, something I intended not to do. oh well...told you I was relaxed :)

Meredith - I love the way you approached the challenge - how sane! You have a beautiful collection - I would think you are very proud of it.
- Connie
I absolutely agree with you Meredith. It can be very much of a downer to have that pressure. The paintings you did are wonderful!
Wonderful work, congratulations for not stressing :)
Patti, Connie, and Sheila, thank you so very much and congratulations to all three of you, too!
Love your philosphy about this challenge! Your paintings are great and I enjoy the collage.
Congratulations on participating to the challenge, Meredith!
Hey Meredith! Congratulations on all your work. You did an awesome job. Keep painting!
Hi Meredith...COOL collage! Good luck with your beautiful ART this year = )
Congratulations, you did it and what an accomplishment. Not just for the paintings but also what you learned about yourself and how not to put additional stress on something that should be fun and full of learning. Way to go girl.
Look at all those beautiful landscapes! I see great expression in them all. I love the way you approached the challenge and how you kept your focus on the important things in your life.
Congratulations!!! Beautiful collage!!! Beautiful work and great approach!!!!
Thank you all so much, so nice to have friends who understand and are so supportive. I appreciate you so much, and congratulations to you guys, too!
Congratulations Meredith on some very nice paintings and such a good attitude that you were able to spread to me. I took your advise and thoroughly enjoyed this challenge.
Congratulations on a fantastic group of paintings, Meredith! You should be proud of your accomplishment. You should also be proud that you understand your limits and you don't beat yourself up over not being able to paint. Way to go!
Lovely collection Meredith! way to go on your strategy :)
Thanks again, everyone, I really appreciate it!! Sandra, so glad I could be a positive influence for you :)
Meredith you did an awesome job!! Such a good idea to always keep the mindset straight. Our drive for artistic satisfaction can sometimes outweigh our common sense! See you in September! -C
typing with one finger on left hand. have a fractured badly mangled right elbow. love all your paintings and especially love this last one. keep at it. you are getting better and better with each painting.
Thanks Cindy! I appreciate your understanding and your compliment...
Jerry! What on earth?...your poor elbow. I will have to give you a call and see what happened. Thanks so much for being here Watching and for your compliment. Truly appreciated...
Great words of wisdom in this post. I could relate to most of it.
Leslie is very clear to not put stress on ourselves for the challenge and yet every time i did one I felt pressure and lost my creativity by half way through.
I have enjoyed following others doing the challenge more than I ever enjoyed it myself. So your observations about learning to create sustainable habits struck an important chord. Thanks for sharing.
Julie, thanks for coming here and writing this comment. It's very informative to hear that you, an artist admired by myself and so very many others, feel pressured during the 30 in 30. I am glad if my writing could help in any way, and I feel that I have found, for myself, the only way I will ever be able to comfortably participate!
So very nice to see so much of your beautiful work all together, I am very proud of you and all the insights that have brought you to a place of peace and enjoyment.
Thanks, Ellen-Ann :) What you wrote made me very happy!
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