Oil Pastel, 2.5 x 3.5"
SOLD (thank you!)
Congratulations, everyone! We made it!! Time to celebrate!! Clean our houses! Renew our connections with our loved ones!
Thank you for being such an important part of my month. If you are reading this, I absolutely include you in my thanks, even if this is your first visit to my blog. I appreciate every single person who comes here, artist or art-appreciator, whether you ever let me know you are here Watching or not.
I want all the artists in the group to know that I have been so uplifted and inspired by seeing your amazing art each day and so honored to have met some of you through our mutual blogs. I do hope we keep in touch.
And special thanks to Leslie Saeta for convening this challenging and motivating us every step of the way!
And special thanks to Leslie Saeta for convening this challenging and motivating us every step of the way!
Note About the Auction
I haven't used the DPW auctions much, so I thought it would be fun to do something different for my Finale! Painting. If you want to bid, just click on the link directly below the painting at the top of this page :-) You will be taken to the auction page on Daily Paintworks.
The auction will end on Tuesday, February 3, and if I have arranged things as intended, it will not re-list if there are no bids by the end of the auction. If the painting doesn't sell at auction, I am going to put it On Reserve--meaning, it will not be available immediately for sale with a PayPal link in my DPW gallery.
(also, if you want to bid, please note the actual dimensions, listed above, are teeny! I have made this painting as large as I could on the blog, for effect!)
Personal Note about the Collage
Leslie encourages us as the final step to create and post a collage showing all our work together in one image. I am wanting you to know I may skip this part of the challenge. I haven't decided for sure, but I am leaning towards feeling the time it would take me to create the collage is time I would rather spend with my family and away from the computer. Possibly...we'll see.

What a wonderful finale and burst of energy.... which hopefully will continue in the months ahead. wrote in separate e-mail my thoughts about final collage Congratulations!!!!
Thanks, Carol, and congratulations to you, too! Seeing your work each day has been one of my favorite parts of the challenge. Thanks for taking us to your spa via your paintings each day, for being here for me, and for all your behind-the-scenes support...I'll check what you wrote about the collage, thanks!
"This is the way the world ends, not with a whimper but with a bang".
TS Eliot
A grand finale!! What a perfect painting for the final day. Congrats for making it through - and for helping to keep us all going. Your cheerleading worked!
LOL, Laurel, that's perfect!
Thanks, Susan! Congratulations to you, too, and so glad we all did this like a little team this time...
Spectacular and a perfect finale!!
This is a blast - a perfect way to end the challenge.
You have done great work and I know it has been good for us all. I never do the collage so I am with you on that.
cannot figure it out.
looking forward to seeing your next pieces ...after your break!
Thanks, Julie, and so glad someone understands about the collage! I'm looking forward to catching up on your blog, but the work I did manage to see was just fabulous...
And thanks, Mom...always glad you are here, means so much...
What a great job Meredith! I love your color sense and movement in your work! I love how you give yourself permission to try new things! Thank you for sharing your process! I did do the collage and it did take some time. I could have done better with time if I hadn't stored images in multiple places, UGHHH!
Thank you, Kaethe! I really appreciate your comments and am so happy to have shared this challenge with you and been able to see your wonderful paintings! I'm headed to your blog now to see your collage...
Congratulations, Meredith!
It was a pleasur to follow you during the challenge.
Enjoy your time off ...
Looking forward to see your next painting!
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