Oil Pastel, 6x6"
$50 plus shipping
Well, I'm back in the saddle again after my computer crashed a few days ago. Thank you all for returning to visit after the interlude. I purchased a new (used) laptop. You could say it's on borrowed time right now...I have 30 days to decide whether to keep it. That should at least get me through the rest of this 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge.
I did continue to paint while I was off-line. Not sure how to catch you up on those. Maybe I'll do a post with them or maybe skip them so these can be in synch with my DPW and Leslie's blog.
This oil pastel painting is another one that started totally and completely different than what you see here. What you see here is kind of what the background of the original painting looked like. I decided I liked the background effect best, so I lost the foreground. These OPs are amazing for making alterations, that's for certain.
This is one of those occasions where the photo simply will not do justice to the painting...I guess that's one thing that hasn't changed from the last computer!
Anyhow, new computer, no bookmarks, hope I can find you all again...thank goodness for Feedly...
Happy Painting, everyone!

Your post is up obviously!!! Grand... beautiful painting... Love the trees... what brand of pastels are using? I would post then all in your blog and also use them in the collage... no one will know which ones were on Leslie's blog or not!!!!
Thanks, Carol...I am using a variety of oil pastels, mostly Holbeins and Senneliers. They are very vibrantly colored and fun to use!
I agree, no one even cares if they are on Leslie's blog...I just care if they were part of my month!
AWESOME COLORS! I was drawn to your use of color!
Good Luck with #13!
Sue, that is so nice to hear! Thank you so much, and good luck with yours, too!!
So glad you are back with a different computer. This is an awesome painting. The colors and composition make me want to just keep looking at it.
Oh, thanks so much, Fay!!! I appreciate your comment so much...
Meredith isn't it ironic that we were both without computers at the same time? In our case it was the service that was down - for 3 days!! But I can certainly relate to how cut off you felt! Your painting has really beautiful color and is very expressive. And it's interesting that many daily painters are exploring abstract themes together!
Thanks for the compliments, Terri. And yes, so coincidental that we were both experiencing downtime and are both now back in the game!!
So glad you are up and running. Very exciting painting! The colors are hot...muy caliente!
I like color of this painting. Beautiful!
Kaethe and Risa, thanks so much for visiting and commenting. I really appreciate your comments about the painting...
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