Saturday, January 17, 2015

"Tree Dance" Oil Pastel

Oil Pastel, 3.5 x 2.5"
$15 plus shipping

Now that we are "over the hump," I want to ask my artist friends, "How are you doing?"  Is everybody ok?  Still taking good care of yourselves, body and soul?

How are you doing with your painting?  Are you painting what you really want to be painting?  Taking risks?  Learning new things?

Are you giving yourself the freedom to be the painter you truly want to be?

These are the things I've been wondering...


carol edan said...

Fiery!!!! Love the colors... love the effects on the tree barks...

paintingbythelake said...

Meredith loving your pastels!

7 Mile said...

The paintings are just getting better and better. You must be taking care of yourself, because it shows.

Meredith Adler said...

Thanks, Carol, so glad you like this one!

Marcia, thank you so much, and wonderful to see you here.

Laurel, thanks for the compliment and LOL about what you said about taking care of myself. Luckily, there is someone making sure I eat!

Sharon L. Graves said...

They are dancing! Love that hot color in the foreground.

Meredith Adler said...

Thank you, dear Sharon...! said...

I love the progression of strong color. It has a great feel.

Meredith Adler said...

Thanks, Connie, I appreciate it, and I'm glad you visited my blog...I enjoyed going over and seeing your watercolors!

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