Tuesday, January 27, 2015

"Lavender Farm" Oil Pastel

Oil Pastel, 2.5x3.5"

Happy Birthday, Jackie!

To be very honest, this is one of my paint-ahead paintings.  I did paint today; in fact, I went out plein air painting on my lunch hour in my car, while it snowed!  And then, when I got home from work tonight, I had to leave my car in town and walk up the hill I live on outside of the town...because the hill will be too dangerous to drive on first thing in the morning when I need to leave for work.

Anyway, my plein air painting is at the bottom of the hill, in town, in my car.  Not that it was ready to show you.  It needed tweaking, but will have to wait.

The one above is from a photo from another plein air trip I took with the Blue Ridge Art Guild to paint at a lavender farm.  I have used this composition a number of times, and you may see a version or two this week!

30 in 30ers across the blogosphere are exhausted and in need of a break.  I say, take that break if you need it!  30 Paintings in 30 Days is just an exercise...to get us all in our studios more.   Please, friends, do not allow this exercise to make you never want to see your studio again!  Far better to take a break and preserve your joy in painting than to make yourself literally paint 30 but burn yourself out! 

As I said in this post  "...I have come to realize that this 30 Paintings in 30 Days gig is more about opening hearts than counting paintings!" 
Please take care of yourselves, artists!  And everyone in the northeast of the USA, hope you are warm and safe and well-prepared for this storm...


Nelvia said...

Oh Meredith you are so right. I am so ready for this to be done, got my last two ready and am looking forward to going to larger paintings. For,whatever reason seems I hit the wall this time. Probably did last time too, but like child birth you forget! Am listing my good things about 30 in 30 for this time and you, a new friend are at the top of the list. Thanks much.

Bhavani said...

Love the movement in this. Great strokes in the sky and tree.

Susan said...

Thanks for bringing back memories of a fun day of painting at the lavender farm, Meredith!! I hope you are staying safe and warm!!! I like your little painting. And I'm looking forward to seeing your plein air piece from today. (Thanks for the pep talk, too. I, for one, seem to have made it through the wall)

headlinesmaren said...

Love this painting and have enjoyed all of your work during this challenge... one 3 more! Hope you dont' get stuck in the snow!

I agree with your comments! It's only fun as long as it's fun... don't let it become drudgery!

Maren marenphillipsartlines.com/blog

carol edan said...

Another small format...amazing how much you can put down and with OP's
Great colors!!!
So right what you wrote about the challenge...
Be careful in the storm!!!!

carol edan said...

Beautiful... love the dapples of sunlight on the roof and the light on the barn... Great work!!!

Meredith Adler said...

My wonderful friends, thank you so much for your comments and your honesty...we have had an incredible month together, and I'm looking forward to seeing your final paintings and reading about your summaries of this challenge!

Sharon L. Graves said...

I love Lavender. Mine all died last year in the killing snows and ice we had and I hope to replant this year. This is beautiful and it has a moody quality about it I love. Got my painting framed and hung yesterday. I'll send you a pic of it soon.

Meredith Adler said...

Thanks, Sharon, would LOVE to see the painting framed! Good luck with your lavender...

7 Mile said...

Love the colors. Nice to be reminded of summer.
The comment about the 30 in 30 opening hearts is so very stunning.

Meredith Adler said...

Thanks, Laurel, yes, you were there! Maybe others experienced some heart opening, too!

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